About me

You are welcome to my personal blog. I am Kapil Dev Regmi, a graduate in English Language Teaching, Education and Sociology. Now I am a student at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. My area of research is lifelong learning in developing countries. This blog (ripples of my heart) is my personal inventory. It includes everything that comes in my mind. If any articles or notes in this blog impinge anyone that would only be a foible due to coincidence. Also visit my academic website (click here)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I Learnt the Following Words

Beseech – implore, beg, request, press, demand
Beset – overwhelmed, snowed under, inundated, beleaguered, plagued
Besmirch – defame, slander, sully, tarnish, damage, taint
Bestial – humane (antonym), foul, beastlike, repulsive
Betoken – augur, portend, promise, divine, signify, indicate
Betroth – affiance, engage, plight
Bevy – horde, crowd, throng, flock, group
Bicker – dispute, quarrel, squabble, wrangle
Bigotry – prejudice, racism, intolerance, narrow-mindedness, chauvinism
Bilious – caused by gall or bile that comes from liver
Bilk – deceive or trick, con, swindle, defraud, bamboozle, dupe
Billow – bulge, swell, balloon, to fill something with air
Bivouac – temporary encampment
Bland – adj – insipid, weak, tasteless, spicy (antonym), featureless lackluster, mediocre
Blandish – cajole, coax with flattery,
Blare – a loud noise
Blasé – nonchalant, laid back, cool, relaxed, unconcerned, offhand, uptight (antonym)
Blatant – obvious, barefaced, unashamed, furtive (antonym)
Bleak – miserable, austere, drab, dreary, hopeless, gloomy, futile
Bouillon - A thin soup of meat or fish or vegetable stock
Bowdlerize – censor, expurgate, amend
Brackish – salty, saline, briny
Braggadocio – vain and empty boasting
Braggart – boaster
Brandish – wield, handle, flourish
Bravado – audacity, boldness, daring, boasting, show
Brawn – muscle, brute force
Brazen – bold, barefaced, unashamed, blatant, discreet (antonym)
Brindled – pattern of grey color
Bristle – hair, spine, spike, v- stand up, rise, poke out
Brittle – easily broken, fragile, delicate
Broach – mention, approach, raise, try out, put an agenda for discussion
Brocade – cloth, fabric etc, with decoration in sofa etc
Brooch – clip of sari, badge, pin, ornament, trinket, accessory
Brook – to tolerate, allow, accept, countenance, suffer, sanction
Browbeat – badge, pester, annoy, bully, cudgel, nag, coerce, intimidate
Brunt – force, impact, burden, substance, bear the brunt (ph), I will bear the brunt of the loss,
Buffoonery – clown, joker, comedian etc’s cloth
Bugaboo – an imaginary monster to frighten children
Bullion – metal bar, gold bar or ingots
Bulwark – fortification, embankment, earthwork, barricade, rampart, wall, stronghold, aegis
Bungle – botch, mismanage, ruin, do badly, make a mess of, succeed (antonyms)
Burlesque – parody, caricature, travesty, mockery, lampoon, satire, vaudeville, revue, extravaganza,

Kali beseeches me to come to the room at the time of meal. Sometimes we have some minor bickering due to the beset of problems that came after 16 month of our betrothing. The daughters came as betokens of our trouble. Now we are living almost a bestial life, however, there is much happiness than misery. Before our engagement she was one of the members of the bevies of beauties.
She is also a practitioner of meditation that tries to explore the wisdom hidden inside in her soul but I am nonchalant on that, nonetheless we have no bigotry views. She doesn’t brag her wisdom, neither does she bilk nor blandish me for doing so. She says it relives from bilious thought that comes in our mind. She can’t meditate when the noise pollution is blare around the ambience. She stays like in bivouac when she is practicing meditation. Her devotion has not been so bland except the last year when she was pregnant betokening our future to be bleak.
She had to avoid brackish food items as she was suffering from hypertension. She was provided with bouillon as her teeth were brittle due to obstetric causes. Though she was a powerful lady to deliver two babies at a time she never became a braggart that gave a severe brandish to the one who shared braggadocio with her. Their bravado was blatant.

Now our focus is on rearing the babies that needs more brain than brawn. People have broached it when we meet them. People flatter us but we never brazen the arduous endeavor we have made to nurture them. Economically we have been very poor. Neither have we bought brocade nor brooch as we have neither sofa nor sari. The problems bristled in the past have been resolved to a great extent. We have learnt to brook them and most of the problems don’t browbeat us these days. I have borne the brunt of having unplanned children. And we think the life has not been bungled. We may not have bullion but at least we have set a bulwark and have been able to escape from being buffoon, burlesque and bugaboo.

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