About me

You are welcome to my personal blog. I am Kapil Dev Regmi, a graduate in English Language Teaching, Education and Sociology. Now I am a student at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. My area of research is lifelong learning in developing countries. This blog (ripples of my heart) is my personal inventory. It includes everything that comes in my mind. If any articles or notes in this blog impinge anyone that would only be a foible due to coincidence. Also visit my academic website (click here)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

some words

  1. Wangle - finagle; achieve something by means of trickery or devious method
  2. Wean - to stop nursing milk to baby
  3. Welt - mark from the beating
  4. Welter - a large and confusing amount of something "a welter of information"
  5. Whiff - puff or gust of air, scent
  6. Whinny - neigh like a horse
  7. Whittle - to cut small bits of wood/clothes to create design
  8. Whorl - ring of leaves around stem
  9. Wily - cunning or artful
  10. Wince - shrink back, flinch
  11. Bullion - a mass of precious metal
  12. Pantry - a small storeroom for storing foods or wines
  13. Prosthesis - an artificial part of the body
  14. Protracted - relatively long in duration
  15. Hourglass - a sandglass than runs for sixty minutes
  16. Francophone - someone who speaks French, especially as their first language
  17. Precarious - not secure; beset with difficulties
  18. Leech - carnivorous or bloodsucking aquatic or terristrial worms typically having a sucker at each end
  19. Stalk - walk
  20. Traverse - travel across or pass over
  21. Citadel - a stronghold into which people could go for shelter during battle "bastion"
  22. Hallmark - distinctive characterstic or attitude trademark, a mark on an article of trade to indicate its origi and authenticity
  23. Booty - goods or money obtained illegally
  24. Syncretism - the union (or attempted fusion) of different systems of thought or belief, especially in religion or philosophy
  25. Numismatics - the collection and study of money, especially coins
  26. Foray - a sudden short attack
  27. Foothold - an area in hostile territory that has been captured and is held awaiting further troops and supplies
  28. Intrigue - a crafty and involved plot to achieve sinister end
  29. Mutiny - open rebellion against constituted authority
  30. Affront - a deliberately offensive act or sth producing the effect of deliberate disrespect
  31. Stupendous - so great in size, for extent as to elicit awe

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