About me

You are welcome to my personal blog. I am Kapil Dev Regmi, a graduate in English Language Teaching, Education and Sociology. Now I am a student at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. My area of research is lifelong learning in developing countries. This blog (ripples of my heart) is my personal inventory. It includes everything that comes in my mind. If any articles or notes in this blog impinge anyone that would only be a foible due to coincidence. Also visit my academic website (click here)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Words Starting With "H"

  1. Hackles [N] – hairs on back and neck, especially of a dog
  2. Haggard [N] – gaunt; emaciated; wasted away; looking tired and unhappy, especially from worry or lack of sleep
  3. Haggle (V) – wrangle over a price, terms of an agreement, etc.; chaffer
  4. Hallowed [A] – blessed and consecrated; sanctified; bury your daughter in hallowed ground
  5. Hap [N] – chance or luck; hapless means unfortunate
  6. Harping [N] – talking repeatedly and tirelessly on a subject; carping is complaining in an annoying way; harp is a musical instrument whose strings are twanged repeatedly to produce sounds
  7. Harrowing [A] – agonizing or distressing greatly; harrow is a plowing tool that corrodes ground before planting
  8. Harry [V] – harass; pester; badger; hound; bully; hassle; torment; raid; “harried by reporters; “The Vikings harried the English coast”
  9. Hazy (A) – filled or abounding with for or mist; obscure; confused
  10. Headlong (Adv) - with the head first and the rest of the body following; without thinking carefully before doing; not cautious
  11. Headstrong [A] – stubborn; willful; unyielding; impetuous; reckless; rash; obstinate; pigheaded; imprudent; docile (opposite)
  12. Heckler [N] – one who harries is a hackler; a person who verbally harasses
  13. Heed [V] – pay attention to advice; take notice of something; heedless – disregarding or inattentive; she drove on heedless of the warning that the road was dangerous
  14. Heinous – hateful; atrocious
  15. Heresy [N] – opinion contrary to popular belief; religion
  16. Hermaphrodite [A] – of animal or plant having both male and female reproductive organs
  17. Heterodox [A] – unorthodox; unconventional; heretical; profane; sacrilegious; dissenting; deviating; dissident
  18. Hew [V] – chop or cut with an axe; fell; cleave; slash; he hewed his enemies with pieces
  19. Hiatus [N] – gap; pause; space; lull; break between two vowels carrying together but not in the same syllable
  20. Hieroglyph [N] – picture or symbol of an object, representing a word, syllable or sound, as used in ancient Egyptian and other writing; written symbol with a secret meaning
  21. Hireling [N] – one who can be hired
  22. Hirsute [A] – furry; shaggy; long-haired; hairy
  23. Hoary [A] – white with age; the man was hoary and wrinkled when he was 70
  24. Homespun [A] – domestic; clothes made at home; simple and unsophisticated; down-to-earth; ordinary
  25. Homily [N] – long and boring talk from somebody on the correct way to behave, etc; lecture; sermon; oration; speech; preachment
  26. Hortatory [A] – encouraging; exhortative
  27. Hovel [N] - a house or room that is not fit to live in because it is dirty or in very bad condition; shack; shed; cell; slum; squat; fleabag; mansion (opposite)
  28. Hubbub [N] – confused uproar; the loud sound made by a lot of people talking at the same time; a situation in which there is a lot of noise; excitement or activity; racket; hullabaloo; din; clamor; tumult
  29. Hubris [N] – a very proud way of talking or behaving that offends people; arrogance; haughtiness
  30. Hue [N] – color; hue and cry means outcry that means ‘shout’
  31. Hummock [N] – a small hill; hillock; mound; knoll
  32. Humus [N] – substance formed by decaying vegetable matters
  33. Hypercritical [A] – tending to criticize a lot in a very unfair way; censorious; nitpicking; finicky; pedantic; fussy; lenient (opposite)
  34. Hypochondriac [A] – person unduly worried about his or her health; valetudinarian
  35. Hypocrite [N] – person who does hypocrisy; charlatan; fraud; phony; dissembler; double dealer; pretender; a hypocritical person is the one who pretends to be virtuous

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