About me

You are welcome to my personal blog. I am Kapil Dev Regmi, a graduate in English Language Teaching, Education and Sociology. Now I am a student at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. My area of research is lifelong learning in developing countries. This blog (ripples of my heart) is my personal inventory. It includes everything that comes in my mind. If any articles or notes in this blog impinge anyone that would only be a foible due to coincidence. Also visit my academic website (click here)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Words Starting With "B"

  1. B
  2. Bemoan – to express sorrow or lament
  3. Berserk – madly excited; in a state of frantic rage
  4. Beseech – implore, beg, request, press, demand
  5. Beset – overwhelmed, snowed under, inundated, beleaguered, plagued
  6. Besmirch – defame, slander, sully, tarnish, damage, taint, defile
  7. Bestial – humane (antonym), foul, beastlike, repulsive
  8. Betoken – augur, portend, promise, divine, signify, indicate
  9. Betroth – affiance, engage, plight
  10. Bevy – horde, crowd, throng, flock, group
  11. Bicker – dispute, quarrel, squabble, wrangle
  12. Bigotry – prejudice, racism, intolerance, narrow-mindedness, chauvinism
  13. Bilious – caused by gall or bile that comes from liver
  14. Bilk – deceive or trick, con, swindle, defraud, bamboozle, dupe
  15. Billow – bulge, swell, balloon, to fill something with air
  16. Biometric (A) – using human physical characteristics (face shape, finger prints, etc.) for identification; a biometric test; biometric authentication; biometric census
  17. Bivouac – temporary encampment
  18. Blanch – whiten
  19. Bland [A] – insipid, weak, tasteless, spicy (antonym), featureless lackluster, mediocre
  20. Blandish – cajole, coax with flattery,
  21. Blare – a loud noise
  22. Blasé – nonchalant, laid back, cool, relaxed, unconcerned, offhand; uptight (antonym)
  23. Blatant – obvious, barefaced, unashamed, furtive (antonym)
  24. Bleak – miserable, austere, drab, dreary, hopeless, gloomy, futile
  25. Bouillon - A thin soup of meat or fish or vegetable stock
  26. Bowdlerize – censor, expurgate; amend
  27. Brackish – salty, saline, briny
  28. Braggadocio – vain and empty boasting
  29. Braggart – boaster
  30. Brandish – wield, handle; flourish
  31. Bravado – audacity, boldness, daring, boasting, show
  32. Brawn – muscle, brute force
  33. Brazen – bold, barefaced, unashamed, blatant, discreet (antonym)
  34. Brigand – a lawless fellow; one of a brand or robbers
  35. Brindled – pattern of grey color
  36. Bristle – hair, spine, spike, v- stand up, rise, poke out
  37. Brittle – easily broken, fragile, delicate
  38. Broach – mention, approach, raise, try out, put an agenda for discussion
  39. Brocade – cloth, fabric etc., with decoration in sofa etc.
  40. Brooch – clip of sari, badge, pin, ornament; trinket; accessory
  41. Brook – to tolerate, allow, accept, countenance, suffer, sanction
  42. Browbeat – badge, pester, annoy, bully, cudgel, nag, coerce, intimidate
  43. Brunt – force, impact, burden, substance, bear the brunt (ph), I will bear the brunt of the loss,
  44. Buffoonery – clown, joker, comedian, etc.’s cloth
  45. Bugaboo – an imaginary monster to frighten children
  46. Bullion – metal bar, gold bar or ingots
  47. Bulwark – fortification, embankment, earthwork, barricade, rampart, wall, stronghold, aegis
  48. Bungle – botch, mismanage, ruin, do badly, make a mess of, succeed (antonyms)
  49. Buoyed (V) – float on the surface of water
  50. Bureau (N) - Furniture with drawers for keeping clothes
  51. Burlesque – parody, caricature, travesty, mockery, lampoon, satire, vaudeville, revue, extravaganza,
  52. Bursting (V) – come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure; exploding

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