This school is located at Lekhpokhara 2 of Salyan district. It takes about 2 hours to reach to the school from Shreenagar Bazaar. The school was established in 2016 and it is regular (not yet managed by community). It has an SMC, PTA, Child Club and Mother Group. The Youth Club is at VDC level. It has 10 teachers and the name of the head teacher is Mr. Prem Bahadur Dangi.
It has about 300 students at primary level including a considerable number of Dalit and Janajati students. The school has achieved 100% promotion rate in last three years without any dropouts. Currently the student-teacher ratio is 53:1. Most of the teachers are trained and two of them have passed B. Ed. The governing boards such as SMC, PTA, VCPC, etc. have their regular meetings. The school’s 2 buildings are in satisfactory condition for which RtF support was provided. Toilets separate for boys, girls, and teachers have been constructed through the support from RtF. The program has provided supports for making benches and desks too. Besides various trainings to the teachers the program has provided carpet, books, uniform to the needy students, etc. The school is child-friendly and on the process of declaring School as Zone of Peace.
It has about 300 students at primary level including a considerable number of Dalit and Janajati students. The school has achieved 100% promotion rate in last three years without any dropouts. Currently the student-teacher ratio is 53:1. Most of the teachers are trained and two of them have passed B. Ed. The governing boards such as SMC, PTA, VCPC, etc. have their regular meetings. The school’s 2 buildings are in satisfactory condition for which RtF support was provided. Toilets separate for boys, girls, and teachers have been constructed through the support from RtF. The program has provided supports for making benches and desks too. Besides various trainings to the teachers the program has provided carpet, books, uniform to the needy students, etc. The school is child-friendly and on the process of declaring School as Zone of Peace.
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