About me

You are welcome to my personal blog. I am Kapil Dev Regmi, a graduate in English Language Teaching, Education and Sociology. Now I am a student at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. My area of research is lifelong learning in developing countries. This blog (ripples of my heart) is my personal inventory. It includes everything that comes in my mind. If any articles or notes in this blog impinge anyone that would only be a foible due to coincidence. Also visit my academic website (click here)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Words starting with the alphabet 'V'

1. Venal - Capable of being bribed

2. Vendetta -Blood feud (long violent dispute

3. Veneer (N) -Thin layer; cover

4. Venerable -Deserving high respect

5. Venerate -Revere

6. Venial - forgivable, trivial

7. Vension - the meat of dear

8. Vent - small opeining or outlet

9. Vent (V) - express, utter
The professor vented his wrath in the class

10. Ventriloquist (N). someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from another person or thing

The fame of Maha couple came from the capacity of being ventriloquist

11. Venturesome (N) - bold
A group of venturesome students were the first people to establish physics department in the university

12. Veracious (ADJ) - truthful

13. Verbiage (N) - pompous array of words

14. Verdant (ADJ) - green; lush in vegetation

15. Versimilar (Adj.) probable or likely

16. Versimilitude (N) - appearance of truth

17. Veritable (ADJ) - actual, not imainary

18. Vernal (Adj) - pertaining to spring.
We may expect vernal showers all during the month of April

19. Vertigo (N) - severe dizziness

20. Verve (N) - enthusiasm

21. Vestige (N) - trace; remains

22. Viand (N) - food

23. Vicisstude (N) - change of fortune

24. Victuals (N) - food

25. Vignette (N) - picture

26. Villify (v). slander; waging a highly negative campaign

27. Vindicate (ADJ). clear from blame

28. Vindicative (Adj).- out of revenge

29. Vintner (N) - wine maker

30. Viper (N) - poisonous snakes

31. Vrilile (Adj) - manly

32. Visage (N) - face appereance

33. Visceral (Adj.) - felt in one's innr organ

34. Viscid (Adj) - adhesive; gluey

35. Vise (N) - tool for holding work in place

36. Vitiat - spoil the effect of; make inoperative

37. Vociferous (Adj) - clamorous, noisy

38. Vixen - female fox

39. Vogue (Adj) - popular fashion

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