I have told you earlier that
One day you will recognize me
you will find me who am i
know my caliber and understand
my immaculate professionalism
you became so foolish
and even today i am not sure
that you have understood the things
you have been like i am
but at least you have now
realized that i am not a man
to be spared, to be neglected
i am not the man to be compared
with many who were not
of my kind, all like you
who have the upbringings
in sychophancy, bootlicking and
all lived for themselves and never
for other, never for the society
I also live for myself but you know
there is self inside me
an inspiration inside me
that makes me that is not
me as you have seen
there lives a great soul
with extreme ambition
and enthusiasm that never
atrophies, never exhausts and
that never gives up when all
altruist and scholars give up
because of the people like you
my soul waits for the day when
your soul recognizes mine and
your habit of bootlicking turns into
me and you start to sing my song
and i don't receive your praise happily
but with comments and makes you realize
that you and me are same
you and others whom you toaded yesterday
are the same like you
all people born with enough potential
to be great persons but some
become like you and some become
like me but at the end all become same
whent environemnt conducive like this
emerges automatically and you realize
that i am not the man
to be spared and to be neglected
About me
You are welcome to my personal blog. I am Kapil Dev Regmi, a graduate in English Language Teaching, Education and Sociology. Now I am a student at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. My area of research is lifelong learning in developing countries. This blog (ripples of my heart) is my personal inventory. It includes everything that comes in my mind. If any articles or notes in this blog impinge anyone that would only be a foible due to coincidence. Also visit my academic website (click here)
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
I received MPhil Convocation
Monday, October 12, 2009
Vijaya Dashami, 2066

I celebrated this Dashain more happily than ever. I reached home on September 25. The first day of Dashain i.e. Mahastami was on October 26. I was happy with my father, mother, spouse, and daughters. We stayed at home shared happiness and took delicious food items.
On the next day of Dashami we went to Aaru to the house of my in-laws. I received tika from all the members thir, shared happiness and took delicious food items.
Next day leaving our beloved daughters to their maternal home Laxmi and me came to Kathmandu.
September 9 to October 1
It has been a month that I have not blogged any of the activities that went on from september 12, 2009. Perhaps the most important achievements of my life have gaken place in those days.
On September 9
Department of English Education, Janamaitri Multiple Campus called a meeting at 8AM. Almost all of the members of the Department including campus chief Mr. Bhola Nath Ojha and HOD Baburam Bhusal were present in the meeting. The meeting focused on how to make the Department more effective, efficient and better respossile for the overall development of the campus.
Mr. Ojha, the campus chief congratulated me for my contribution to achieve an outstanding result of the examination of B. Ed. 1st year. All the students had passed the examination given by Tribhuvan University with excellent scores.
That was the first meeting that I agreed with the HOD and the HOD agreed with me. Perhaps, that was one of the incidences in the history of the Depatment that we two came in consensus. All the members of the Department were happy and committed to do someting for the identity and influence in the Campus.
On September 10
Janamaitri Multiple Campus had called all the teachers for Happiness Sharing programme on tha auspcious occasion of Vijaya Dashami 2066. We went early in the morning for, however, there were no program as such. Just something were being cooked in the canteen. Actually the teachers didn't know why they were being called. However, we talked and shared our best wishes individually and returned to the respective residence taking a plate of beaten rice and meat as breakfast. But I was planning to go to KUSOED to meet my Dissertation Supervisor. Bhaktiram Ghimire sir gave me a lift and I reaced at KUSOED at 10 AM.
As soon as I reached KUSOED I read the notices. With a great surprise and sad I came to know that the time for my convocation was already fixed for October 23 and the one who wouldn't be able to have their dissertation submitted to Dhulikhel (the Controller of Examinations, KU) by October 9 wouldn't be able to take part in the convocation. I regreted for the intentional delay I had made during this year. Had I been little concious about that I would have defensed viva-voce two months earlier. But I didn't do. Tanka sir encouraged me to do even better, go deeper and deeper, but the time has already been .... Sadenned with the notice I met Prof. Shreeram Prasad Lamichhane. He read just the contents of the dissertation I had prepared to that date. I had expected that he would read the report and would provide me suggestions so that I could improve them so as to make that as final draft. Nevertheless, I was happy since he gave me some constructive suggestions to make the dissertation report coherent and logical.
Then I came back and started to work day and night. I wrote and wrote, typed and typed until and unless I became completely chilled inside my chest. I used to go to the be laid down but I couldb't sleep because my chest was burning and the brain was pushing me to work.
With the corrections made according to his suggestions and giving the final touch to the report from my side I met him the next time. He made a cursory look to the report and made some important corrections. Gave some suggestions to standardize, especially the language. But finally he said that it was impossible to have viva before October 9 and I couldn't be able to take part in the convocation of KU scheduled to be held on 23 October.
On September 20
I phoned Prof. Tanka Nath Sharma early in the morning and requested to manage time and provide me the opportunity to be an awarde of my degree by letting me to take part in the convocation. He became so angry at first and made an outright "No" because it was too late to do everything. But his kind heart softened and he let me explained my obligations and compulsions. He said at the end that there was a little chance and he would try his best to schedule the date of my Viva immediately after the Dashain vacation.
Then I phoned Prof. Shreeram Lamichhane and narrated the conversation I had made with Prof. Sharma.
On September 22
Though the vacation for Dashain was alreaded commenced, I had made a hearty request to Professor Lamichhane to provide me some times so that I could bring my endevours to the fruition on time. He came to KUSOED and we discussed nearly one and half hour. He appreciated to the efforts I have made to write the dissertation report. He happily said ....would like to take PhD out of it..... you have written so beautifully ...... you have to make a monograph and give it to UNESCO to publish.... etc. Finally he said that they were happy to receive such a dissertation from me. They would try their best to have my viva defensed before October 9.
Then I came to my residence and corrected, added, deleted ... and made a final copy to be submitted to the external examiner.
On September 23
Having all the preparations completed I was about to leave Kathmandu valley on September 24 for the celebrations of Dasahin. My better-half Laxmi was waiting for the arrival of my day. I did some shopping and went to the nearby cyber for checking emails.
As soon as I opened the inbox I saw an email from Manjula, an officer in South Asian University. The subject was an Offer of Appointment. I was overwhelmed and flooded with happincess. It was a really an appointment letter from the CEO Prof. G. K. Chadha. I went through the terms and conditions and became extremely glad. That was the most important achievment of my life. I found the pray of my father the affection of my mother, the wishes of my father in law and mother in law, love of my beloved wife and the aspirations of all of my best friends and relatives have come true. That was the day I realized that my hardwork and intelligence being fully accounted. From a part time teacher at Janamaitri I had been able to achieve the post of Project Associate (Academics and Documentations) of the prestigious SAARC University. A teacher had turned into a curriculum developer and an academic learder of the SAARC region that includes, not one but, 8 countries of the South Asia.
I shared my happiness with all whom I could contact by phone. I told to Laxmi, Sandai, my father ..... etc.
Then the next day I wrote an acceptance letter to Prof. Chadha and left Kathmandu for the celebration of Dashain.
On September 9
Department of English Education, Janamaitri Multiple Campus called a meeting at 8AM. Almost all of the members of the Department including campus chief Mr. Bhola Nath Ojha and HOD Baburam Bhusal were present in the meeting. The meeting focused on how to make the Department more effective, efficient and better respossile for the overall development of the campus.
Mr. Ojha, the campus chief congratulated me for my contribution to achieve an outstanding result of the examination of B. Ed. 1st year. All the students had passed the examination given by Tribhuvan University with excellent scores.
That was the first meeting that I agreed with the HOD and the HOD agreed with me. Perhaps, that was one of the incidences in the history of the Depatment that we two came in consensus. All the members of the Department were happy and committed to do someting for the identity and influence in the Campus.
On September 10
Janamaitri Multiple Campus had called all the teachers for Happiness Sharing programme on tha auspcious occasion of Vijaya Dashami 2066. We went early in the morning for, however, there were no program as such. Just something were being cooked in the canteen. Actually the teachers didn't know why they were being called. However, we talked and shared our best wishes individually and returned to the respective residence taking a plate of beaten rice and meat as breakfast. But I was planning to go to KUSOED to meet my Dissertation Supervisor. Bhaktiram Ghimire sir gave me a lift and I reaced at KUSOED at 10 AM.
As soon as I reached KUSOED I read the notices. With a great surprise and sad I came to know that the time for my convocation was already fixed for October 23 and the one who wouldn't be able to have their dissertation submitted to Dhulikhel (the Controller of Examinations, KU) by October 9 wouldn't be able to take part in the convocation. I regreted for the intentional delay I had made during this year. Had I been little concious about that I would have defensed viva-voce two months earlier. But I didn't do. Tanka sir encouraged me to do even better, go deeper and deeper, but the time has already been .... Sadenned with the notice I met Prof. Shreeram Prasad Lamichhane. He read just the contents of the dissertation I had prepared to that date. I had expected that he would read the report and would provide me suggestions so that I could improve them so as to make that as final draft. Nevertheless, I was happy since he gave me some constructive suggestions to make the dissertation report coherent and logical.
Then I came back and started to work day and night. I wrote and wrote, typed and typed until and unless I became completely chilled inside my chest. I used to go to the be laid down but I couldb't sleep because my chest was burning and the brain was pushing me to work.
With the corrections made according to his suggestions and giving the final touch to the report from my side I met him the next time. He made a cursory look to the report and made some important corrections. Gave some suggestions to standardize, especially the language. But finally he said that it was impossible to have viva before October 9 and I couldn't be able to take part in the convocation of KU scheduled to be held on 23 October.
On September 20
I phoned Prof. Tanka Nath Sharma early in the morning and requested to manage time and provide me the opportunity to be an awarde of my degree by letting me to take part in the convocation. He became so angry at first and made an outright "No" because it was too late to do everything. But his kind heart softened and he let me explained my obligations and compulsions. He said at the end that there was a little chance and he would try his best to schedule the date of my Viva immediately after the Dashain vacation.
Then I phoned Prof. Shreeram Lamichhane and narrated the conversation I had made with Prof. Sharma.
On September 22
Though the vacation for Dashain was alreaded commenced, I had made a hearty request to Professor Lamichhane to provide me some times so that I could bring my endevours to the fruition on time. He came to KUSOED and we discussed nearly one and half hour. He appreciated to the efforts I have made to write the dissertation report. He happily said ....would like to take PhD out of it..... you have written so beautifully ...... you have to make a monograph and give it to UNESCO to publish.... etc. Finally he said that they were happy to receive such a dissertation from me. They would try their best to have my viva defensed before October 9.
Then I came to my residence and corrected, added, deleted ... and made a final copy to be submitted to the external examiner.
On September 23
Having all the preparations completed I was about to leave Kathmandu valley on September 24 for the celebrations of Dasahin. My better-half Laxmi was waiting for the arrival of my day. I did some shopping and went to the nearby cyber for checking emails.
As soon as I opened the inbox I saw an email from Manjula, an officer in South Asian University. The subject was an Offer of Appointment. I was overwhelmed and flooded with happincess. It was a really an appointment letter from the CEO Prof. G. K. Chadha. I went through the terms and conditions and became extremely glad. That was the most important achievment of my life. I found the pray of my father the affection of my mother, the wishes of my father in law and mother in law, love of my beloved wife and the aspirations of all of my best friends and relatives have come true. That was the day I realized that my hardwork and intelligence being fully accounted. From a part time teacher at Janamaitri I had been able to achieve the post of Project Associate (Academics and Documentations) of the prestigious SAARC University. A teacher had turned into a curriculum developer and an academic learder of the SAARC region that includes, not one but, 8 countries of the South Asia.
I shared my happiness with all whom I could contact by phone. I told to Laxmi, Sandai, my father ..... etc.
Then the next day I wrote an acceptance letter to Prof. Chadha and left Kathmandu for the celebration of Dashain.
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